Archive for the ‘Artsy’ Category

Busy, not painting

I haven’t painted in a long time.

Here’s what I’ve been up to.

Keeping track of kids who are out of school for the summer.

Making sure the basement doesn’t fill with water due to all the rain.

Writing a business plan with J.

Gettin’ Lucky with J.

Making paper mache bowls. (yes, you heard me right, that’s a whole ‘nother post)

Last month I had a big art show and it was very exciting. I sold a bunch of work at it an was flattered since I was just one of 150 artists to hang work at the show. (in a bunch of barns near a river)

Anyway, I thought I would post some newish stuff, even though they have been sitting here, finished, for a while now.

Sitting Still in Rockport

yellow boat

yellow boat docked

boats at night

Leaning Buoys